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  • Place backpacks in secure locations.
  • Lock cars and dorm rooms.
  • Place personal identification in textbooks (see below) after you are certain you will be keeping them.

    Textbook Theft Prevention System in the Bookstore

    The Bookstore has a system to assist in preventing book theft.  Students should select a place on which to make an inconspicuous identification mark in each textbook (i.e. name, ID number, date of birth, etc. on a specific page). If a book is stolen, the student should notify Campus Police first and then the Bookstore and describe the identification mark and its location. The buyback terminal in the Bookstore will indicate to the clerk that a book of that type has been stolen and the clerk will determine if it is that book. NOTE: Highlighting does not serve as positive identification.

Store Hours

Fall & Spring

Monday - Thursday

8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM


900 South Court St. Ellisville, MS 39437

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